June 11, 2010

Fine Art Digital Photo Class Spring 2010

Go Team!

Negative space-Timmy H

I chose my Acoustic guitar for my negative space i saw it on a website and it looked cool so i re did it

Negative Space By Michelle F

This is one of my favorite pictures that I have taken this semester. I like the over all composition. I really like how the colors came out it is definitely the most unique out of all of my pictures.

June 10, 2010

Runaway by Jarred J

For this project we got to choose what we wanted to do. I chose to depict the life of a runaway. I like the way this picture turned out.

Photo in a Magazine by Alex P.

The theme for this photo was, "Photos in a Magazine." I really enjoyed this photo because it shows movement and i just like the overall composition of the photo.

Homage to Cindy Sherman Katherine S.

I really like Cindy Sherman's Untitled Film Stills so I did a project trying to take photos in the same style. I like that I am in focus and the objects in the foreground are not. I think I captured the Cindy Sherman style in this photo.

Fetch by Alex P.

This year i really got into photography, and throughout this semester i had the opportunity of working with my friend Jackie as my model. I enjoy this picture because when you look at her eyes behind the puppy you feel that there truly is a story behind the photo.

Parting friends by Elisa G.

As senoirs spend the last days of high school, friends realize that they will part very soon. I took this piture accidentaly; I just took a random picture. In my case, it became a successful picture. The two friends have that space between them, indicating that soon they will part. I didn't realize the foot in the backround, it caught the ghost effect; I think it was perfect for the parting, almost like disapearing.

June 9, 2010

Untitled by Ashlee b

I really like the contrast in between the flower and the leaves behind it. It really makes the flower stand out. This picture was an accident. I was walking along my driveway when I noticed this little lone rose all by itself on this huge bush. I just had to take a picture of it. I also like how how the picture came out so crisp and clear, it shows so much detail on the flower.

natural beauty by Rebecca A.

I feel that this project was my most sucsessfull project this year. Out of this project this was what i feel to be my best picture. i feel that the overall coposition is really good. I am also really proud of the way the butterfly and the flowers came out so crisp because it was a little windy.

June 7, 2010

negative space,taylor l

This photo brings all the focus to the middle of the plant. I used the macro setting on my camera which made everything in the backround go blurry. I believe that this photo is successful because all the green pops throughout the photo.

Teapot Refelction By. Rachel S

I took this picture of my moms teapot, for the reflections project in class. My mom is a collecter and i find them very intersting.I wish the picture was a little less blurry. Other than that i think the picture is fairly unique.

Reflections By: Brianna H

I took this picture of a reflection of trees in a big puddle. I photoshoped it by changing the color and made it a little more clearer. I also fliped the photo upside down.

June 4, 2010

Reflections By Jennifer H.

For this project I had a bit of a hard time trying to position the globe in the right way so the sun would be reflected on it. I found the spot of sunlight where it reflected on the wooden table. I think this picture was the most successful of the 24 reflection pictures I took. I like how there's a small reflection in every little bubble of the globe.

Three's a crowd by Laura M.

In this photo, I attempted to portray the topic of “negative space”. To the right side of the picture, is a leg hanging down from a body sitting upon a stool. In various areas surrounding the feet there is negative space. Especially the areas near the bottom of the feet; there is also negative space. In addition, the left side also features a bit of dept in the background. This forces the eye to travel, as this area is also occupied by negative space. I particularly like the lighting in this photo. The main subject in the foreground is the most vivid. Portions of negative space in the background are also very vivid.